The meaning of the Sanskrit word ahimsa is non-harming or non-violence. One association with ahimsa is the decision to not eat animal products, but no matter what your dietary choices, ahimsa refers to a quality of care for self and others. Our practice of ahimsa is about our intentions, thoughts...
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras on Asana – Pt. 1
Maui Yoga Shala Teacher Training Many yogis on the path have heard about Patanjali's Yoga Sutra's. Is it a book that lists yoga poses we do on the mat or out in nature? While there are many such modern yoga texts with pictures and descriptions of yoga poses, or āsanas,...
The Abundant Life
Abundance is one of those words that is used often but means different things to different people. We in the land of aloha see abundance as a way of life, a grateful perspective on life rather than a goal. An abundant approach to living is seeing with the eyes of gratitude,...
Yoga – Union
The word 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning 'to join' or 'to yoke' or 'to unite'. We can go on to say that yoga means unifying what seems to be opposite - body and mind, inner and outer, head and heart. When we synchronize breath and movement in...