
Maui Yoga and Dance Shala

Asteya, the third Yama

Asteya means non-stealing. We know it to mean not to take what isn’t ours. If there is ever a questions of this, we have to stop and consider the action we're about to take. But the subtle applications of asteya show up in all areas of our life, on and...

The Second Yama – Satya

The Yamas are practices that build our character, and progressively eliminate distractions and ‘static’ from our mind and heart. Satya naturally flows from the first Yama, Ahimsa. Satya means truth and sincerity and springs from our decision to do no harm, to cultivate peace and live in aloha. Furthermore, satya...

Applying the wisdom of the Yamas: Ahimsa starts here

The meaning of the Sanskrit word ahimsa is non-harming or non-violence. One association with ahimsa is the decision to not eat animal products, but no matter what your dietary choices, ahimsa refers to a quality of care for self and others. Our practice of ahimsa is about our intentions, thoughts...

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