
Maui Yoga and Dance Shala

Why take a yoga teacher training?

Some things that may cross your mind when asked about a teacher training:

I never plan to teach…

Don’t you have to be flexible to do yoga…

Yoga is only for spiritual people…

Nine months ago if I had been asked if I would take a teacher training I would have said all of those and then some! As cliched as it may sound, I didn’t find teacher training, teacher training found me.

After going through my own personal and spiritual awakening, I came to the conclusion that there had to be more to life than working for a corporation helping build someone else’s dream. During my awakening process (that is still, and will always be taking place) I made the transition from an extremely unhealthy and disheartening lifestyle, to one of vitality, wellbeing, and an overall zest for life. I was able to make this transition by beginning to look inward, and no longer relying on external factors to find peace.

During the transition I lost 70 plus pounds in 7 months, regained control of my life, and restored my inner hope. I was able to all of this through nutrition, daily exercise, and you guessed it…YOGA! Yoga absolutely transformed my life. Through yoga, I have been able to remember who I truly am, connect with my higher self, and fulfill my divine purpose in life.

In February of 2019, after making it an affirmation to lead a life of selfless service, I made plans to leave my job and move to beautiful mother Maui for the next phase of this awe inspiring life. On March, 19th, 2019, I hopped on a one way flight to Maui to begin my endeavor of becoming a yoga instructor.

Upon my arrival to Maui, I knew that I would be taking a yoga teacher training, I just did not know where. My second week on island I took a class at Maui Yoga Shala, and instantly resonated with the space. Immediately after class I signed up for the April 2019 Hawaii yoga teacher training.

During the 3 weeks of teacher training, I endured some of the rawest and most challenging emotions that that I have ever encountered. With the support of the Shala’s staff and teachers, as well as my fellow classmates I was able to overcome and conquer some heavy roadblocks and obstacles. Jai Ganesha!.

The teacher training program at Maui Yoga Shala is a full immersion program, that truly prepares and enables you for the next step as a yoga instructor. I truly enjoyed the morning philosophy, mantra, and chanting sessions with Chelsea & Shakta. I also enjoyed experiencing the variety of teaching styles from the array of instructors that the Shala has to offer.

Jennifer provided the perfect amount of tender, loving, support throughout the entire 3 weeks, while we dove into anatomy and pranayama breathing techniques. Nadia took us deep through our asana practice and the study of anatomy, really preparing us for sequencing and guiding classes.

On April, 27th, 2019, my classmates and I completed our 3 weeks of intensive training, and I could not have been more proud. I was given the great opportunity to begin guiding my own classes at the Shala right away, and am beyond grateful for that opportunity.

Looking back, I am very fortunate to have been able to share this experience with my classmates, and the staff & teachers at the Shala. Even if you never plan on teaching or guiding classes, yoga teacher training is a powerful, and life changing experience.

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