According to Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (1.20), the practice of Yoga begins in Śraddhā, faith. Śraddhā means ‘that which gives you space and nourishment and holds you in place’. Here faith does not mean believing in something ‘out there’, faith is a basic trust in the Yoga tradition and your own...
300 Hour Yoga Story
by Holly McKibben I began my yoga journey five years ago, taking classes at a local hot yoga studio. I went for the sweat, but something else brought me back, something bigger, something I did not yet understand. I came back to my mat, over and over again, and through...
Yoga Heart
Yoga is a an age old practice of joining body and mind, and our attention to this moment. As my teacher’s teacher, TKS Desikichar said “Yoga is relationship”. As we go deeper into the practices of yoga, we can see the quality of those relationships we have with our self,...
Aparigraha – The 5th Yama
We have been exploring the yamas, number 1 of the 8 limbs of Yoga. The yamas are the universal ethics; the foundations for a yogic lifestyle. Observance of the yamas progressively eliminates the temptations and distractions that create suffering in our lives, and take energy away from our focus,...
The Abundant Life
Abundance is one of those words that is used often but means different things to different people. We in the land of aloha see abundance as a way of life, a grateful perspective on life rather than a goal. An abundant approach to living is seeing with the eyes of gratitude,...
Yoga and the Spirit of Aloha
Here in Hawaii, aloha is more than just a greeting, it is a way of life. The spirit of aloha is the heart-centered way of love, compassion and connection. We of course first associate the word aloha as a hello or good-bye. If we look a little deeper, the meaning...